Principal and staff profiles

Welcome from our Principal

Mrs Danielle Green, School Principal

Schooling should have major impacts – not only on the enhancement of knowing and understanding – but also on the enhancement of character: intellectual, moral, civic, and performance.

We build and foster this through these key beliefs:

  • Working together towards a set of shared goals.
  • Developing positive and supportive relationships.
  • Using clear, explicit, and direct teaching.
  • Providing early intervention.
  • Providing a safe and supportive learning environment.
  • Encouraging and celebrating success.
  • Building a healthy and active community.

We are proud of the professional staff, students, parents, and families who make Elizabeth Park School a great place to learn and be – and I invite you to become a member of our community.

Please contact us if you have any questions or comments. We welcome the opportunity to share more about our programs and plans with you.